Alex Hollis, Founder & Wonderlic Expert, Beat the Wonderlic
April 15, 2017
If you haven’t had to take a Wonderlic test yourself, then you are probably only familiar with it – if at all – because you are an NFL fan. This begs the question, “who has to take the Wonderlic?”
You’d be surprised.
Fortune 500 companies like BP, civic services like the city of Toronto, major franchises like Subway, utility companies, management consulting firms, and a variety of other companies in various industries utilize at least one version of the exam.
Furthermore, a plethora of colleges uses different versions of the Wonderlic in their student application and placement processes.
So, whether you are just curious or you are looking to gain an edge in your job hunt, we are building a comprehensive list of companies that use the Wonderlic to help them vet applicants.
If there is a company that you uses a Wonderlic test during their hiring process and you don’t see them listed here, leave it in the comments below and we will add it.
Also, please note that this is an always-growing list. If you do not see a company listed here it does not necessarily mean that they do not require a Wonderlic test – we just haven’t heard of it yet.

Major international corporations like Mercedes Benz use the Wonderlic test.
Companies that use the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R)
Real Property Management – http://www.realpropertymgt.com/
Altisource Labs – http://www.altisource.com/
Alliance Residential Company – http://www.allresco.com/
Emprise Bank – http://www.emprisecareers.com/
Good Tidings – http://goodtidingscomfort.com/
Always Best Care – http://www.alwaysbestcare.com/
American Woodmark – http://www.americanwoodmark.com/
Sweetwater Sound – http://www.sweetwater.com/
Cleveland Tubing – http://www.clevelandtubing.com/
Queensboro Shirt Company – http://www.queensboro.com/
North Mississippi Medical Center – http://www.nmhs.net/
Lithia Motors – http://lithiacareers.com/
Purebread Breeders – http://purebredbreeders.com/
Ameritas Life Insurance Company – https://www.ameritas.com/wps/portal/corp
Anixter – https://www.anixter.com/en_us.html
Doormark – http://doormark.com/
Global Recruiters Victoria – http://www.grnvictoria.com/
Standard Heating and Air Conditioning – http://www.standardheating.com/
Apple Chevrolet – http://www.applechevy.com/
Sedgwick County EMS – http://www.sedgwickcounty.org/ems/
Nelson Lauver & Co.
Corrugated Services LP
Savannah Luggage Works – http://www.savannahluggage.com/
British Petroleum – http://www.bp.com/
Scott Chevrolet – http://www.scottcars.com/Chevrolet/
GRN Tampa – http://www.grntampa.com/
Future Focus – http://www.futurefocusdubai.com/
Clayton County Fire Department – http://www.ccfes.org/go/doc/5475/1681139/
C1 Bank – https://www.c1bank.com/
Tampa Bay Animal & Bird Hospital – http://www.tampabayvets.net/
Redner’s Markets, Inc. – http://www.rednersmarkets.com/
Publix – http://corporate.publix.com/careers
Manpower Corporate – http://www.manpower.us/en/About-Us/Corporate-Careers.htm
Dish Network – http://careers.dish.com/
What is the Wonderlic Personnel Test?
-The WPT-R at a glance-
The Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R)
Taken by job applicants at job interviews
50 questions
12 minutes
Be fully prepared for your Wonderlic test in only 3 hours with my self-paced online course.
My course includes 5 practice tests and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!