Which Wonderlic Test am I Taking?

Alex Hollis, Founder & Wonderlic Expert, Beat the Wonderlic
April 11, 2017
If you are like most people, things unfolded like this:
you just found out you have to take this funny thing called a “Wonderlic test.” You immediately Google “Wonderlic test” and find that there is not just one type of Wonderlic test, but a whole plethora of Wonderlic exams. Panic ensues as you wonder…
“I just found out I have to take this stupid test; I try to prepare and now I see that there are multiple types of Wonderlic tests! Which one am I taking?
What should I study for?”
If this is you, don’t panic. We are here to help you figure out exactly which test to study for.
Why are there so many versions of the Wonderlic test?
Wonderlic, Inc is the name of the test development company that creates the multiple “Wonderlic tests”, so that is where the funny name comes from. It is also where a lot of the confusion comes from. Since all the different tests include the word “Wonderlic” in them, there can be a lack of clarity and assurance as to which test you will need to take.
How this article will help you.
Here is how we set up this article: we give a quote describing a common scenario followed by the test that matches that situation. When you find a quote that matches your status, you will know which test you have to take as well as which product will help you prepare for that exam.
If you do not find a scenario that matches yours below, please reach out to us at One of our experts will work with you to help you determine which exam you are required to take.
OK, let’s get started:

"I am applying for a job and have to take an 8-minute, 30-question test on my computer before I go to an in-office interview."
You will be taking the Wonderlic Personnel Test –
My Online Wonderlic Course prepares test-takers for both of these exams.
"I am applying for a job and have to take a cognitive ability test."
The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test is another name for the Wonderlic Personnel Test. You will likely be taking the WPT-Q at home and then the WPT-R at the office during your interview.
My Online Wonderlic Course prepares test-takers for everything you will see on the WPT-Q and WPT-R.
"I am applying for a job and have to take a 12-minute, 50-question test."
This is the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R), which is the most common of all Wonderlic tests.
My Online Wonderlic Course fully prepares you for this exam in only 3 hours and comes with a pass guarantee.
"I am applying for a job and have to take the same test that NFL players take."
NFL rookies take the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R), which is a 50-question, 12-minute cognitive ability test. It is common for recruiters to refer to the WPT-R as the “test that NFL players take” because the Wonderlic has become popular in mainstream sports media from the exposure of working with the NFL.
My Online Wonderlic Course prepares test-takers for everything you will see on the WPT-R.
"I am applying for a job and have to take a math and English test."
This is the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST). The WBST is comprised of two sections:
- the WBST-q (a 45-question, 20-minute math test)
- the WBST-v (a 50-question, 20 minute English grammar and reading test).
My WBST Study Guide covers all of the math on the exam (verbal coming soon!)
"I am trying to become a Subway franchise owner."
Strangely enough, Subway requires aspiring franchisees to pass the the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST). The WBST is comprised of two sections: quantitative skills (45 questions, 20 minutes) and verbal skills (50 questions, 20 minutes).
Our Wonderlic Basic Skills Test Study Guide covers this test in detail.
"I am applying to a nursing (or other academic) program and was told I have to take a Wonderlic/ SLE. I am taking it at home."
Nursing schools (and many other academic programs) often require applicants to pass one or more exams. In many cases, one of those exams is the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE).
The Wonderlic SLE is a 12-minute, 50-question test that is essentially identical to the Wonderlic Personnel Test.
I get hundreds of nursing school applicants every month who take my Online Wonderlic Course
"I am applying to a college or academic program and was told I have to take a 12-minute, 50-question test."
Schools often require applicants to pass one or more exams. In many cases, one of those exams is the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE).
The Wonderlic SLE is a 12-minute, 50-question test that is essentially identical to the Wonderlic Personnel Test.
I get hundreds of nursing school applicants every month who take my Online Wonderlic Course
If you do not see your scenario listed above, please leave a comment below, reach out to us via email, or chat with one of our experts and we will be sure to immediately point you in the rightdirection!