There is a full-length, interactive
Wonderlic test at the bottom of this article.
But, we should go over a few rules first.

Most companies administer the Wonderlic Test online.
For many, it makes sense to practice the Wonderlic Test online, since this is how most companies administer it.
So, that is why we built a free, online Wonderlic sample test that mimics a real 50-question, 12-minute Wonderlic.
Is this free Wonderlic Test for you?
This Wonderlic test is written specifically for anyone taking the WPT-R for a job interview or the Wonderlic SLE to get into an academic program.
If you fall into either of those buckets, or you are taking the short 30-question version of the exam, then this Wonderlic test will give you a very realistic idea of what your exam will look like.

Applying to a Nursing School or Program?
We now have a Wonderlic SLE test specifically for nursing school applicants that you can find here: Wonderlic SLE Practice Test for Nursing.
You will be timed (12 minutes).
To get a real sense of how you would do on the real exam, I have set a timer for 12 minutes. The real challenge when it comes to taking the Wonderlic for either a job interview or to get into college is that you only have 12 minutes to finish the exam.
As soon as you start the exam, you will see a countdown timer on your screen – just like you will when you take the real Wonderlic test online.

Try not to use a calculator.
Calculators will not be permitted on the actual test, so we encourage you not to use one while practicing. However, you can use a paper and pencil.
Please share!
Please share your results or any questions in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Also, if you have friends that like to take IQ tests, puzzles, or are interested in the NFL draft, please share with them on social media!

Accessing your score report
Most people do not finish the test within the 12-minute time limit. On a real test, the exam will shut off. The practice test below will shut off, as well and will reveal your score report.
Ok, below is your free Wonderlic test!

Wonderlic SLE
Practice Test
Wonderlic SLE Practice Test (50 Questions)
This is a free sample Wonderlic test that looks just like the one you will take during your job interview. This quiz mimics the full 50-question, 12-minute Wonderlic test known as the Wonderlic Personnel Test (or Wonscore). You will not be allowed to use a calculator, dictionary or any outside resources on the real exam, so we recommend practicing without these as well. Many people do not finish the exam in the 12 minutes allotted but do your best. Try not to spend too much time on any one question. You should gather some pencils and scrap paper before you begin.
Click the Start Exam button to proceed.
Be fully prepared for your Wonderlic test in only 3 hours with my self-paced online course.
My course includes 5 practice tests and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
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Thank you
I need to practice.
I need practice. A lot of it.
It better to find another way to intevew People out of that coz time is not enough sec that is not measure of real understanding thanks.
I got 34 but I’m also drunk so
okay but how’d you get a good score still lol?
me too
i got a 7 im the best haha dumb dumbs
im dabest i got 7
Limited time
you are welcome
I got 5 but I know I can get more if I keep practicing
It’s good for IQ assessment.
I would love to actually look at my test afterwards… Also, is 12 minutes the going timeframe for every one of these? I scored a 27…but only got to question 28. So I missed 1…
Too many variables to use a test like this to determine a persons worth in any environment. My brother is Book Smart, but would burn your house down if you let him cook for you.
I just saying everyone. Don’t weigh the entirety of your existence, against a test.
I scored an 18 , (luckily was only doing it for fun)but on my phone I didn’t realize the clock had started until about 30 seconds went by. I also guesstimated a few because I knew I was up against the clock and I was only at question 29 I think.
Thank you! My son has to take this test for school. BUT I went to nursing school with a chick that was already a corporate accountant for Kohls. She was the smartest one and got the best grades. But once we graduated, she couldn’t apply her book knowledge clinically. I have been an RN now for 13 years, working in many different areas of nursing, and I do horrible on this test. So does my son. Sooooooo, I’m sorry whats it looking for again. IQ? Lol okkay.
The test is not really important at all …by putting a time limit on it it makes you take the test in the way they want you to … brain does not work that way but that by no means makes me less then anyone else
“I completed the 100m dash in a minute. My legs don’t work like Usain Bolt’s, but I’m just as good a runner as he is because time doesn’t matter!”
Do you think that statement is ridiculous? Then yours is as well.
That is a really good analogy! But do understand that we most likely did this for fun, and not an Olympic medal that we’ve been training for years.
Kevin, these so-called IQ test do not accurately measure one’s IQ. Every real life situation is not timed. These test are good to determine how a person is able to process information quickly, and in a timely manner.
I say that’s a poor analogy. Usain Bolt is good at sprinting, but he can’t run distances. He doesn’t have the stamina. This test tests for sprinting ability, and then pretends it’s testing your ability to run in general.
I haven’t run into a question I can’t answer given enough time to figure it out, but I don’t get the time to figure it out. Does this mean I’m stupid? Well, I was given an IQ test as a kid, and I scored quite a bit above average.
Such is life.
Taking the test was fun, but came with very limited timing. More time would have greatly benefit my score….
I answered 23 and scores a 14 luckily just fun
That is part of the challenge. They want to see what you do in stressful situations and how you prioritize. Do you stall when you don’t know an answer, or do you keep going?
That’s the point of the test. The Quick you are able to answer, the quicker your brain works
k buddy
I have to disagree.
My first score: 16
second: 25
Don’t worry! Most people are disappointed with their score the first time they take the Wonderlic. If you study and keep practicing, you’ll do great!
Pls guide me how do i start and where do start and practice. right now im looking job and every interview they ask similar question .
waiting for reply
Hi Rohit!
The absolute best way to prepare is with our online course. In it, I guide you the strategies you need to know, walk through how to solve each question step-by-step, and it includes 5 full, realistic exams.
You can start practicing with our course right away here:
Wow! 18 out of 28 for a 65 yo former National Merit Scholar. I’m also a voracious reader of non fiction so I think I need to add some sort of brain workout to my things to do list. Publix does not require Wonderlic for new baggers so my employment chances remain higher than my IQ!
The time limit is too fast I couldn’t even answer all the question cause of the time
This is absurd there is no way to read understand and solve in 12 min 50 questions.
14 seconds per answer will be some kind of genius, phd, nobel winner, who knows… the point is, he wont be looking for a job in the first place.
By the other hand, you could be Mother Teresa and remember nothing about accounting or percentages.
I believe this kind of tests could it be for some technical or engineer kind of job. Not for arts, human related, designs, or similar.
But the point is that this tests are a completely waste of time.
Preparing for something is being who you are NOT. Which means that in a week, you forget everything. Similar for those who ‘prepare’ interviews in hand, like an acting speech.
And always remember, M.Atta studied architecture in Cairo and continued his studies in Germany, surely could perform a 90% in this tests. Yet, he would it kill himself aged 33 plus 91 more in the plane.
So… being prepare is not the same that being who you really are.
Einstein hated math and even discussed it finding other meanings, probably wouldn’t have done this test, he considered time (and space) with another value… yet he would developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics, anyways.
Once again: WT=WonderlicTest=WasteofTime.
I completed mines got a 30 with a minute left smh
can you take mine please
While you may be correct on the validity of the test, you are wrong about Einstein. He rather enjoyed math, it was school he hated.
I wasn’t ready but I did it. I didn’t do that good I only got 13 right.
You did bad on the test didn’t you
You did “badly” on the test
It is actually very easy if you practice and focus
I just took the test for the first time ever and got 42 on it, while completing it in under 12 minutes.
I haven’t been in school or done any tests in over a decade, I don’t think it is that absurd – it even says ‘most people can’t finish the entire test’, finishing the test is above average not expected.
I really didn’t like the questions about the months though 🙁 We don’t really have seasons where I live in the desert I have no clue if september is closer to daylight hours of august or october xD
Great job, “Ilikeboobs”!
This test is dumb I have policeprep life time write my wonderlic there and get 75% + I come to this one and I’m getting 0%? Doesn’t make sense.
I got 32 correct, and I’m a high school math teacher.
I skipped the ones that were going to take too long to figure out.
If I had more time, I would have gone back and guessed at them.
Can I try again?
I used your advice to skip questions that involved too many equations and improved from a 19 (completing around 27 questions) on my first try, to finishing all 50 questions with a score of 37 on my second! I took one in the morning and one in the afternoon, but it looks like the question content doesn’t change, so I’m sure that score is somewhat inflated since some of the questions were still familiar. Either way, I could see my score still being in the 28-32+ range using your tactic.
I finished the test with 5 minutes to spare. It’s not that difficult.
Ya, sure.
After 15 tries? Everyone did too.
I finished with fifteen minutes to spare. Pretty easy.
It’s really difficult but not impossible, if you look at the NFL Combine results some people get 49’s after a week of playing football and no time to practice that week.
Yeah like one NFL players scoring 49 with Pat Mcinally a Harvard alumn getting the only 50. Another Harvard alumn is in a three player cluster at 48. Ryan Fitzpatrick being that Ivy League guy. The lowest score was a four and the lowest score by a “successful” NFL player is a six. Vince Young would be that nitwit that could QB an NFL offense. Which puts him in the zillionth percentile.
To be clear, 2 players in the history of taking the test have gotten a 49 or better. Tom Brady got a 33, Lamar Jackson a 13 – most of your top-level guys are in the 30 range. No offense to NFL players, but they got to college on athletic scholarships, not because they are academically inclined.
Yes but the NFL guys take multiple practice tests prior to taking the real test at the combine. They all have high paid agents who make sure they’re prepared for every test including the wunderlic. The average person just taking it for fun probably doesn’t spend any time preparing or learning about strategies for the test. Part of what makes this test hard is that it requires a different strategy than most tests we’re used to taking.
Sure there is. I finished with a couple minutes to spare and scored a 45. However, I can’t even replace the windshield wipers on my car without help. Different people have different skills.
I been out of school 20 plus years some of these questions where hard.-
I take the test at 3 pm today.
Question 31 has a mistake. It is written with the word as but is meant to say has..
Thanks! I fixed it 🙂
Hi Wanda!
I understand the test is hard, especially if you have been out of school for a while. That’s why I go through everything step-by-step in my online course. I want to make sure everyone gets a really good review of the material and make the questions easy for anyone, even if you’ve been out of school for several years!
I take the test tomorrow and I have been out of school for 25 years, I am going back to college to become a therapist as my wife enjoys her career in the same field! I am so nervous that I really need help and want to pass this test!!
Hi Adrian! Congrats on your new career venture! Have you seen my online course? I walk through everything step-by-step so it makes the test quite easy even if you have been out of school for years! You can find more about it here:
can someone take it for me instead?
Thank you. I think I need to practice a bit more
time went by fast
can I check my score
Hi Walter! You can view your score by clicking through to the end and hitting “submit”.
Harder than I thought.
This was a difficult test
A little harder than I thought. Good questions for a possible hire
Good test for possible hire
Where are my results
Thank you
I have taken the real wondelick and finished all 50 questions but do not know ow what score I got .
I took this one to get an idea of what I scored on the first one .
I’m this test is harder that the real one ….I did not finish all 50 in time .Seems there are more math questions on the practice test and harder ones ….on the real test there were more spatial reception questions (fold the box in your head type)
Thank You
where to give wonderlic test ? I have to give as a requirement for my admission into nursing program.
is it online based or I have to go to center to give it ?
Hi Sim!
The Wonderlic is a very common nursing school entrance exam. Most schools will have you come to the campus to take the test. If you cannot come to the school’s campus to take the exam, then your recruiter or admissions counselor will have you take it at home (online) or at a nearby testing center.
The test is usually administered online, but some schools (and businesses) still administer a paper version.
I would contact the admissions department at the school you are applying to and ask them to help set you up to take the exam.
Good test but my score was very low( I should practice more
I have to take the test in a few days interesting test
Went so fast. But was really helpful.
It’s difficult but very helpful
Thank you
Thank You
v nice
Very Helpful!!! Thank you!!!
very tough in such a short time
It is pretty inaccurate. I got 21 on this test, however after completing a real one my score was above 40 (won’t say the exact one to stay humble I guess)
not sure how any of that is supposed to scream “stay humble” hahaha – I found this to be a good test and I’m NOT going to be humble by saying that I got a 49
very good tool
Agree i have. i has got 16 score bat it is ok
needed more time
I’m gonna go back to take the test over until I pass
Now I know what I need to brush up on!
I need to do the practice twst
its really a wonderful test
hard for old brains
time pressure freezes the brains
Thanks, I have gained my confidence. I am going to take my test today. And I wish if you have Kaplan nursing entrance or Teas V.
Thanks Christy! That is awesome to hear! We are working on TEAS prep and will release it on our sister site just for nurses – Please let me know how your test goes! We are all rooting for you 🙂
got it
Seemed to pass quickly but very helpful.
the time went too fast for me
this practic was helpful ,but went too fast for me
I nearly got through this test in the time but only by skipping answers that I knew I didn’t have a hope of getting quickly. There was one question that asked for 3 answers and only let me select 1 and there were a few tiny spelling mistakes here and there but thank you very much for this tool. I really need to practice!
Thanks Amy! I fixed the answer selection error you mentioned – thank you for mentioning it!
The other thing I noticed was the sentence: Carly as Canadian citizenship.
Thanks Alex
To fast
The time provided was too short
A couple of typos (“EXTNIGUISH”?) and one of my “Correct Answers” was blank, but otherwise this was excellent and it’s the best mock Wonderlic I’m aware of online. Good approximation of the real thing. Coupla touchups and this will be perfect.
(Disclosure: Scored 41!)
Thanks Dan! I will fix those errors right away 🙂
good exercise
Thanks for the information.
Really made me think!!
Where and when do you receive the test score information
Hi David! You just need to click through t the last questions (even if time runs out) and click “submit” to see your score.
Where can I locate my score?
Hi Turquoise! If you run out of time on the exam you need to click through to the end of the test and click submit to view your score. This allows you to see all the different questions while also making sure your score is as accurate as possible.
Let me know if you need anything else!
I take the Wonderlic in an hour. I am praying that it will be like these practice exams in terms of difficulty. I worry that the real test will be significantly harder. I watched all his videos and completed all 5 mock tests over the last 2 days, high score of 36/50. If the real test is anything like this, I’m good. Will post an update.
You’ve got this Zach!!!;)
Ok quick update. I got a 30 on the actual test. Not completely satisfied, but on 2 days notice I’ll take it. Alex’s videos, tips, and tricks are very useful. The mock exams are also very helpful. I will say that the real exam is harder! Was not multiple choice, every question was fill in answers so unfortunately I wasn’t able to guess when time was short. For anything quantitative be prepared for fractions and mixed numbers. EX: train travels 20 1/4 feet per 15 mins…how many in 1 2/3 hours. In 14 seconds, that’s a hard question! Almost every math related question I had was like this. Other than that, his tests are very similar to the real thing and should prepare you well. Good luck!!
Thanks for the update Zach! I will add in some fill in the blank questions to the course.
19 out of 31 answered. Not bad I hope for a 44 year old who hasn’t taken a rest in quite a while. Could have used my time more efficiently
I guess Zach didn’t quite make it. Seriously, just skip the math at first unless you immediately see the answer. The other stuff takes a few seconds to do and that is 66% of the test.
Now to study thanks!
Not enough time!
I would like to retake this test, and study some of the thinks that are on this test.
Helped a lot, how come submit isn’t working?
Hi Courtney! Submit button should be working ok now. Is it still giving you any trouble? You can reach me directly at if you are still experiencing any issues!
Old post I see, but is that really true? that seems preposterous! I appreciate this test but it seems like it’s for entertainment primarily. I can’t fathom a company using ANY test to determine your position and what to pay you.
13/22 the first time I took it.
39/48 the second time.
It excercises your brain for sure!!
Hopefully I can practice more
This is awesome!!
Thanks Mary!! Best of luck on your upcoming Wonderlic test! You’ve got this 😉
What was my test score. I know I didn’t finish. Just took it.
Hi Tia!
Sorry for the confusion. You can see your score by clicking through to the end of the exam and hitting the “submit” button.
It was cool
Great to ask the brand more speed
thank you
Very good questions but very limited time. why is the time so limited?
Hello I am trying to take this exam for entrance for school for a dental hygiene program, I took it last year and was one point away all three times that i took it so I was really disappointed. This year I have another chance to apply and retake this exam but I am terrified of the same thing happening again. How different are wonderlic exams for entrance to schools or job acceptence etc.. I just want to make sure I study the right things and will this prep test help me.
Hi Aunna! The Wonderlic SLE and Wonderlic Personnel Test are extremely similar, so our course will absolutely help prepare you. Our customers typically see a 10 point increase in their scores, so you’ll be right there!
Thanks Alex I will try it for sure!! Will let you know how it went!
Is this practice test the same as the real test or the questions change?
Hi Kelcy! The questions will change but will look very similar to what is here.
In this practice test. it look you are going through real test.
havent taken the test yet
Nice and difficult
took the wonderlic before an interview at a CPA firm. got the job! insider intel (HR director) told me that i scored a 44, highest score in company history by 6 points! i start in january 🙂
Awesome, Allison! Wooohoooo!!!! Congrats!
Tricky questions!
nice one
I believe that at least one of the questions did not have a correct answer.
Hi David! Thanks for letting us know. Which question do you believe was incorrect?
Thanks so much,
After 36 years with the same company, I find myself looking for a different job. This will help prepare for any pre-employment testing
I need to practice more
Hi Maria! Practice is definitely one of the best things you can do to improve your score, especially to prepare for the time constraint you will face on your exam. Our Wonderlic online course provides 5 more practice tests and over 100 quiz questions to get you ready for your upcoming test.
First attempt to see what my score would be without training… not good enough 🙁
You’ve got this Harald. All you need is practice. If you want to try our online course, it includes 5 more practice tests with the answers explained! Here it is:
Tricky, Need to take test soon.
Hi Matti! Our online course is the best way to prepare since it includes 5 full-length practice tests with answer explanations and 3 hours of on-demand video that walk you through every type of problem on the test step-by-step. You can find the course here:
Please let me know if there is anything you need. My email is My only goal is to get you to pass this exam and land your dream job.
Very Useful
I performed really bad. Need to improve
The test was hard
Very quick
Was not prepared for the test and it reflected in my test score
How this compare in difficulty to the Wonderlic given as part of the Mensa admission test? I scored 46 on this without any prep and was wondering if Mensa version is more difficult than the version given by employers.
That is a great score! The MENSA Wonderlic is the same as what they provide employers, so you should be confident.
Hi Alexander,
it’s very difficult for me, i’m trying to go school after 23 years. everything is hard what is i’m doing. And i can’t see my score.
Hi Nasrin,
Thank you for your message. Lots of folks are in the same position you are in having to take a Wonderlic test after being out of school for so long. That is why we made our online course so simple and straightforward, yet thorough. We cover everything on the exam in detail, step-by-step so nobody feels left behind even if they have been out of school for a long time.
Your score should be at the end of the exam. Have you seen the last page of the exam yet?
Getting better and better.
It been a long while since I have been in school with questions like this on a timer. So I found this a bit difficult. I am frustrated with my score.
Hi Hope! Don’t be frustrated – most people who come to our site are in the exact same position you are in. That is why we made sure our course addressed everything step-by-step so that nobody feels left behind even if they have been out of school for years.
You’ve got this 😉
This is a wonderful test
I would like to take it again the full test
that was fast – Wish i had a little more time for the math portions. I am happy with the score of 38 after being out of school for 20 years
This test is a lot harder then it looks and is very tricky I hope I do better on the actually test
hi! im not sure about my score…it was an 8?
Hi Shenequa! Yes, an 8 means that you got 8 questions correct. Your score is simply the number of questions you answered correctly out of the 50. A 50 is a perfect score.
I’m a graduate student in physics and totally bombed this test. I guess memorizing solutions to problems in Griffiths doesn’t mean you’re smart.
You are predetermined to fail this test, simply because you have only 14 seconds per question, which is barely even enough to read the question properly let alone come up with an answer!
very difficult
Harder than I thought it would be
Test is cake
I got a 45
Well that was depressing.
21..definitely harder with being out of school for so long.
Took again, 1st time only answered 30 or so, 21/30. 2nd time, similar questions but answered all 50. 29/50. Went from 50% likelihood to 70%. Better but memorization helped.
Not too shabby
so I randomly guessed many questions and my score went from a Janitor 14 to 17. wow what an unreliable test.
46/50 first try, exactly 12 mins.
It would be INTERESTING to see not only the final score, but also how many questions left to be answered. Just curious to see the actual accuracy and possibly revise Incorrect answers with correct. Running out of time just means being slower, not dumber.
Good point! We might add that at some point soon!
Was a great rapper and once had a cooking show.
When taking the actual test online, will it disable my calculator or the ability to open additional tabs?
Hi Dea! It won’t disable your calculator but you may be proctored, meaning you may need to take it in front of someone at some point in the office.
I got 43 out of 50 right… did finish the test though but guessed at two of them… I have been taking the Wonderlic prep course for the last two week and WOW does it help a lot. It’s the best thing I’ve bought in a long time with my test coming up in January. I’ve also been learning Vedic math to cut down on my calculation times learning to do math in my head and that’s helped a lot too.
Hi Jason!
AWESOME JOB!!!!!! a 43 is really, really good!
I am so glad you are enjoying my prep course! If there is anything you need at all, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
Thanks again,
I got 46/50 and finished the official Wonderlic with 3 minutes to spare. People around me think I’m lying when I tell them how slow and dumb they are compared to me. One of my ignorant friends was convinced that he’d easily get a 40 if I got a 46. He got 24/50. I’ll never take him seriously again.
Good Wonderlich scores just indicate superior processing in limited spheres. It does not guarantee or even measure good judgement, creativity or imagination. No big picture thinking is tested. Abilities in any of these and a hundred other mental skills does not make someone dumb.
I got 40. Last time I did any studying was in 1976 .
Hi. I scored a 41. Can you please publish the answers and explanations to each question?
I made an 11 on it. Oh well, I was hunting a job when I found my current one.
I got a score of 30 with first attempt after attempting all 50.
Great challenge.
i got a 28, i think i got to about question 35 or so. man that went by really fast. thanks for posting this practice test.
28 out of 36. 70% chance of being hired. There’s hope!
34 means an 85% chance of a job offer. Good enough!
Apply and test for 5 jobs and you most probably get one. Good odds, right?
what web site do i go to take the real test please
This test means nothing to the daily work force. This test is more about speed, than evaluation of skill set.
I have been reading all the comments and it seems like people who did very good are the once who has been practicing…
to me it seems all you have been doing is memorising the answers. Which defeats the purpose.
If the wonderlic identifies who you are, the true dettermination would be you first ever score.
All we know is that you can memorise
Are all wonderlic tests essentially the same? Will they consist of the same questions like this one?
First time I took the test I scored a 22…the second a 37! Just reading through this website helped. I will take the course.
I have a couple of questions. Is there a recommended strategy in taking this test; i.e., is it better to skip questions that will take more time than doing them in order. Is there a way to see which questions you answered correctly?
Thanks for the fun.
this test is amazing!
Oh, sheesh man. That was crazy. 12 minutes passed well before I realized. I’d hope I never have to encounter this test in real life. Honestly, I was picking and guessing on the majority of the math ones, and sorta cyphered the easier ones. Only scored a 17, but, hey….i’m 56, been through a lot more than most, and haven’t had to deal with things like this!!!!
No comment
This was fun. Stressful with the time limit as I was constantly looking at how much time was left. I answered 39 questions and got 30 correct. Not too shabby.
I wonder why the newest comments appear at the bottom…anyways, I got a 37 in high school sophomore or junior year while sleep deprived (I was dropped out at this point because I didn’t do any work and then stopped attending, though I re-enrolled and dropped multiple times before just doing the CHSPE…kind of weird). But now at 20 years old I get a 20 , though I’m quite tired now, too. Any excuse to protect my ego, huh? I will always claim I got a 37 in my mind while sleep deprived!, though in reality it was just an online test and I guess I was better at mental math back then. Let’s hope for 21 next year.
I appreciate the practice and the concept. I did okay… sorta, at first attempt. The irony is that for job screening, as opposed to the real world, trying to solve problems this fast in a business setting would probably get you fired, due to the potential for errors. My personal propensity toward problem solving makes me want to slow way down and deeply contemplate. I care too much about my answers! There’s hardly time for that. This at least helps one understand the expectations of the “game.”
What web site do i go to and take the real test…
This test is pretty useless, I scored a 27 the first time using a calculator and I graduated with highest honors at an ivy league school and got a tech job making around 150,000 out of undergrad. WHO CARES
its funny almost a game
I got 30 without a calculator, not sure how many questions I got through.
I don’t think this question has a valid answer.
10. In a 3-year period, the revenues of A Corp. (in millions) were 42, 27, and 19; and for B Corp. (in millions): 27, 42 and 16. Which graph below best contrasts the number of acquisitions each company made over this period?
Revenue and acquisitions have no intrinsic relationship, so how could knowing the revenue tell you anything about acquisitions?
It’s fun
hi i am student and i wan,t to teach my self so that i can be a good girl
difficult… Could I try it again? and review my test?
45/50, but that was a brutal rush towards the end. I wonder what I got wrong.
time!!! or maybe it’s because am taking it for the first time wow !! i only got to answer few questions
Last academic studying – correspondence course in 1976 which I didn’t finish. Score on the practice test 44. With age related addition pumpkin person mentions =49.
scored 33, not bad i think
This is a great resource to prep in a short amount of time. I highly recommend using this material.
It would be helpful to immediately see what you did correctly and incorrectly. There is the odd question that is not completely clear.
just wanted to say this course has been great for me, the first time I took it I got a 23, after going through the entire course I got a 41 in less than 9 mins, every first job interview I am getting through is making me take this test prior to moving forward, for me it is absolutely worth the $50
Time was short. Do not know the final score of the test
i got a 12/50 right and only made it to question 30? (maybe)
I wonder why industry uses a test with such low repeatability. If practice truly can boost scores by 10 points (as advertised), how can you trust that you’re measuring intelligence over practice?
I got 38.
Got 38. It seems I need more time to finish.
This is the most stupid test I ever heard in my 35 years career in tech industry. Many people have different temper, so some absolutely smart people can be slow on motion (i.e. phlegmatic ), so they definitely won’t pass such test. As a result companies may miss some brilliant minds…
I just took it for the first time and I got to question 19 and I got a 16, I feel stupid but I was trying to really read and interpret the questions before answering because I am sure I would do worse if I just rushed through so I am not sure about the validity of this.
There’s no way this should be used as the sole indicator of somebody’s ability to get a job. I have a degree in mechanical engineering that I literally just graduated with last year. Some of these math questions would easily take me a couple minutes MINIMUM to solve. And some of the questions honestly make no sense. Who knows the similarity in hours of sunlight between months just off the top of their head? I got a 30 my first time through and a 41 with knowledge of most of the questions. Most people couldn’t handle this test in general without a time limit, let alone giving them 14 seconds per question.
I think I broke it! Haha! Mine returned an error after completing. I think I was on question 42. Felt good about maybe 35 of them. So who knows – kind of a waste of 15 minutes. Thinking of taking again but worried it will give another error. Any chance practice test is no longer working for providing a result?
Hi Will! I am so sorry that occurred for you. I think we had too many folks on the site at once and our server had a bit of trouble. We are upgrading our site so that this does not happen in the future.
2nd time was a charm but maybe not accurate because I remembered some of the answers I gave previously, saving some time. I got a 33, but then when I clicked link to inquire about training course, it didn’t work. Hmmm…
I purchased the training in 2020 and it had questions that were similar to the ones and explained how to do them. I nailed that one.
I took another and it was completely different questions: The Logic Questions were nothing like what I saw: no shape patterns, 3D patterns or spatial reasoning, graphs. I don’t know if that was a different type but if its updated for 2021 – but there was little to no resemblance.
Hi Bill! I am so sorry to hear that the second test you took was so different. Did you take it online or in person? It may have been a test that is similar to the Wonderlic test but not actually by the Wonderlic company.
i got a 5 but i know that could do better.